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Listen 4 #listen4

Purchaiser training

Transport tenders: 
from a practical and technical point of view  

1 - Building a road transport tender

  1.       Definitions

  2.       A few major principles  : tender, consultation, list of requirements

  3.       Practical case

2 -  A few fundamentals aspects

  1. Analysing of the organization and the transport flows

  2. Understanding the different types of transport fees

  3. Analyzing the petrol indexation, understanding the way it is applied and the various indexes

  4. Key elements in the transport contract​​

1 - In order to win a transport tender, the 1st meeting is the key for success

  1.       Beforehand, turning the meeting preparation into an asset

  2.       During the meeting, offering a successful discovery journey for the customer 

  3.       Afterwards, the essential steps leading to the transformation

2 - Answering a tender

  1.       Focus on key elements

  2.       The method : 4 steps for a  seamless plan ;-)

3 - Building the answer and the transport commercial offer

  1.       The key principles of a customer-focused offer

  2.       The contractual elements  that should not to be forgotten at any cost

  3.       The key steps towards successfull collaboration

Listen 4 #listen4

Salesmen training

a transport tender

Essential steps and keys for success

Transport market

Module 1

The basics 

And the history of the sector 

1 - What is the provision of transport and logistics services

  1.    Definitions and legal framework

  2.    The transport and logistics sector: definition, perimeters, and basic

2 - The Construction of the Transport and Logistics Service sector

  1.    Back to history

  2.    The evolution of service providers' professions

  3.    Why switch from own account to outsourcing?

  4.    The advantages and risks of outsourcing

Listen 4 #listen4

Transport market

Module 2


The current market and its evolution

1 - Activities and the different transport modes

  1.       Seafreight

  2.       Road freight transport and transport commission

  3.       Airfreight

2 - Evolution of the sector: internationalization, technological progress and innovation, environmental constraints 

  1.       Internationalization  

  2.       Technological progress and innovation  

  3.       Environmental constraints  

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Listen 4 is a consultancy, recruitment and training firm specialised in road transport ecosystem.

Listen 4 is located 15 minutes from St Etienne, in the centre of the Rhône Alpes Auvergne region, in France.

Geographical scope : France and International.

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